

My book worm, early rising Toasted peanut butter sandwich To solve her morning famish Snoring like an apache helicopter Hugs from frail bones Unceasingly sweet A wrinkle for each smile Five hour trips to farms, fields, family Far away from Fazolis and Cheesecake Factorys Irrevocable memories …


Still I’m wond’ring how to read my mind stumbling now i try to find Lost fragments of a line reason or a rhyme Still what whispers could hide soft behind closed eyes Filled with all the lies i may have sold Heavy with all the cries my heart must hold Still one thing i never have been told how do i …

We smirk at each other's …

We smirk at each other’s terrible jokes & ride along in your Jeep with the top off screaming in tune to the radio & on hotel rooftops we lie watching the stars making promises & we play poker in the Chicago sand watch rom coms & horror we stay up too late together & I’ll …